How it all started...
Our church was founded in 1957 as Bill Hibbard, SF Trosper, Tip Edwards, and others led of God dug the foundation and built a small block church building. This block building was the trademark of the church and even today people refer to this church as "The Block".
The Gray's Pentecostal Church, Inc. was setup as a Non-Profit Organization with the state of Kentucky in 1976. The directors and trustees at the time of Incorporation were Tom West, Curt Middleton, Joe Smith, James L. Smith, and Isaac Mullins
Under the leadership of Pastor Randle Lee "The Block" was remodeled. Sunday school rooms and bathrooms were built, the church building was added onto at both ends creating a place for a baptistry on one end and a foyer on the other, and the block was covered with bricks.
Under the leadership of Pastor Kenny Roberts the Fellowship Hall was built and the Steeple was installed.
Since then many other changes has been made to the buildings. Property was purchased across the road and made into Picnic grounds and a shelter was built. In 2018 lumber was donated and men from the church built the floor of what is now our outdoor amphitheater. In 2019 more lumber and materials were donated and we finished the outdoor venue. This proved very useful during the 2020 pandemic as we were able to have services outside. We continue to use all of the resources God has given us over the years to impact the community for His Kingdom's sake.
Several Pastors started out at Gray's Pentecostal and followed God's calling to do other work. Pastor Randle Lee now pastors East Side Tabernacle in Corbin, KY. Pastor Kenny Roberts now pastors his church in Ashtabula, OH. Pastor Ronnie Ball now pastors Soul's Harbor in London KY. Pastor RP Edwards pastored New Girdler Holiness and helped Gray's several times when we needed him. Pastor Charlie Humfleet now pastors Living Waters Pentecostal Church in Gray, KY.
We hear testimonies all the time from people who started their walk with God at the altar of this blessed church and are now leading ministries of all sorts. We praise God for having a part in the lives of all these great soldiers of the cross and give them our prayer and support in their ministries.
The Gray's Pentecostal Church, Inc. was setup as a Non-Profit Organization with the state of Kentucky in 1976. The directors and trustees at the time of Incorporation were Tom West, Curt Middleton, Joe Smith, James L. Smith, and Isaac Mullins
Under the leadership of Pastor Randle Lee "The Block" was remodeled. Sunday school rooms and bathrooms were built, the church building was added onto at both ends creating a place for a baptistry on one end and a foyer on the other, and the block was covered with bricks.
Under the leadership of Pastor Kenny Roberts the Fellowship Hall was built and the Steeple was installed.
Since then many other changes has been made to the buildings. Property was purchased across the road and made into Picnic grounds and a shelter was built. In 2018 lumber was donated and men from the church built the floor of what is now our outdoor amphitheater. In 2019 more lumber and materials were donated and we finished the outdoor venue. This proved very useful during the 2020 pandemic as we were able to have services outside. We continue to use all of the resources God has given us over the years to impact the community for His Kingdom's sake.
Several Pastors started out at Gray's Pentecostal and followed God's calling to do other work. Pastor Randle Lee now pastors East Side Tabernacle in Corbin, KY. Pastor Kenny Roberts now pastors his church in Ashtabula, OH. Pastor Ronnie Ball now pastors Soul's Harbor in London KY. Pastor RP Edwards pastored New Girdler Holiness and helped Gray's several times when we needed him. Pastor Charlie Humfleet now pastors Living Waters Pentecostal Church in Gray, KY.
We hear testimonies all the time from people who started their walk with God at the altar of this blessed church and are now leading ministries of all sorts. We praise God for having a part in the lives of all these great soldiers of the cross and give them our prayer and support in their ministries.

How it is Going Now...
Our services consist of a wonderful atmosphere of Worship and magnification of the Creator, and topped off with anointed and powerful messages inspired by the Lord. We are challenged to take these messages out into the world and share them with those who otherwise would not hear the truth of God.
Now God has raised up Rodney Edwards as pastor. Rodney has been a part of our congregation his entire life, and with wife Becky and their three children a vision of growth, unity, outreach, and community involvement is taking place.
It's not about our church. It's about Jesus Christ and His love for every person. However, as we reflect on the ups and downs in our history it is a testament to the fact that change comes, but God's love, and mercy stays the same. He is the Rock that our faith stands on, and the foundation that will never fail.
We are excited to see what God does next. We pray that you are excited as well, and taking part in God's will for your life.
Now God has raised up Rodney Edwards as pastor. Rodney has been a part of our congregation his entire life, and with wife Becky and their three children a vision of growth, unity, outreach, and community involvement is taking place.
It's not about our church. It's about Jesus Christ and His love for every person. However, as we reflect on the ups and downs in our history it is a testament to the fact that change comes, but God's love, and mercy stays the same. He is the Rock that our faith stands on, and the foundation that will never fail.
We are excited to see what God does next. We pray that you are excited as well, and taking part in God's will for your life.
Where we are headed...
We are witnessing divine healings, breakthroughs, and lives being radically changed by The Power of God through His Word, and by His Spirit. We are on the brink of true revival in our community. There is an atmosphere of expectancy that isn't just limited to our congregation, but throughout the Lord's church in the world. We truly believe we are living in the last days, and that the Bible is being fulfilled before our eyes. We are excited to be ambassadors for The Lord Jesus Christ in such a time as this. Our plans are simply to continue the good work, add to His church, and yield to the direction of The Holy Spirit as long as we have breath!

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship at 2:00 PM.